Thursday, January 1, 2009

"The New Year" ahead of me...

So another year has past and as we say goodbye to 2008, Im looking forward to 2009 here's why:

~ I start my new position at work and start my Full-time hours on Monday (more moola)!

~ I plan on putting myself in check and change a few things in life. Eat better and have a work-out system that will last longer than 2 weeks! Im hoping to lose some of my Winter weight by early Spring. ~to be continued~

~ Gregory will be 16 years old on Jan 4th and he will also play on the Varsity Football team for MHS! (soooo excited about this)

~ Aaron and Amanda start making plans for their wedding and Aaron should graduate in June from the Culinary of Arts

~ Mark and I plan to take a well deserved vacation this Spring. We're planning a 2 day hiking trip with our friends Matt and Ruth

~ I just reconnected with a long time friend from my past. Stacey and I finally go together yesterday and we plan on making sure that we spend lots of time together playing catch-up. She is a new mommy of 11 month old Noah and im so excited to watch him grow. He's definetly a miracle baby!

~ Oh and last but NOT least, Im going to buy myself a new camera so be prepared for lots of pics to come!

Happy New Year everyone!

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