Monday, June 15, 2009

The Boys at Cal -- UPDATE

"G" has been calling me twice a day since they arrived at Cal Berkeley yesterday and he's so stoked at the drills they are learning. He's so funny. He says they are kicking their butts! "Welcome to Varsity football baby" LOL He is rooming with his cousin Juan and love having their own dorm to themselves. He's so excited to see what college life could be like. He tells me that he can see San Francisco from his dorm window. I'm so happy for him. They are to arrive home tomorrow night and I cant wait to see pics and hear all about it.
Here's their Itinerary for your intriguing mind.

"G's" Cal Camp positon for 2009 WIDE RECEIVER!!!!

8:00am Depart from MHS
10:00 am Arrive and settle in
1:45pm Report to Memorial Stadium for 1st practice
5:00pm Dinner
7:30pm 7 on 7 / Lineman Challenge
10:00pm Lights out!

7:00am Breakfast
8:45am Report to Memorial Stadium for 2Nd practice
11:45am Lunch
2:00pm Report to Memorial Stadium for 3rd practice
5:00pm Dinner
7:30pm 7 on 7 / Lineman Challenge
10:00pm Lights out!

7:00am Breakfast
8:45am Report to Memorial Stadium for 4Th practice
11:45am BBQ
2:00pm Report to Memorial Stadium for 5Th & Final (Scrimmages)
4:00pm Checkout
4:00pm Depart
5:30pm Stop at McDonalds
8:30pm Arrive back at MHS

(weird how at the top of this blog it says Monday June 15th? Umm, today is Saturday June 20th)

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