Tuesday, February 10, 2009


A tornado touched down near South Merced yesterday. A funnel cloud appeared at 11:25 a.m. and dissipated by 11:45 a.m. "We have a very cold unstable air mass over the valley, so there's was a potential for scattered showers, thunderstorms and more funnel clouds. A pilot observed the tornado touch down in a field, approximately 10 miles south of Castle Airport. Luckily there were no damages or injuries but a lot of excitement for the Mercedians. This tornado the first tornado reported in the Central Valley in 13 months. The last tornado was Jan. 27, 2008, near the western outskirts of Visalia (which is about 75 miles South of Merced). In 2006 a tornado ripped off the roof of a barn near Gerard Avenue in South Merced.

Thank God nobody was hurt~

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