Saturday, January 24, 2009

{{singing}} "Oh I want more scrubs"

That's right my friends, I'VE GOT A NEW JOB!!!!!!!. I'm so excited. I start on February 3rd working for a Pediatric Dentist. It's been soooo long since ive assisted and im ready and excited to go back into the field I love the most! Wish me luck and I will be sure to take a pic of me and my "scrubs" on my first day of work!


(Oh and P.S. That isnt my real license place. In case you worried that I havent paid my tags since 2006....LOL)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I want, I want, I want...

These two adorable items for Valentine's Day! Last year, Mark gave me the heart key chaing by Coach and I love it! This year im looking at a piece of Silver for Valentine's Day!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I'm gonna wash that Grey right out of my hair (singing as I walk down the hallway)

Well, I had to cancel my last hair appointment and due to the fact that Martha (my hairdresser) is so busy this time of year, Ive decided to color my hair. I have a few grey strands that need to hide for a while so ive decided to zap them myself since my appointment isnt until Jan 20th. Im going to be using L'oreal Paris Superior Preference #4 Dark Brown!

Wish me luck and ill be sure to post pics and comments after I rinse.

~P.S. and dont think that I wont be singing that song in the shower either. Oh I will!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's all about my Purse Hook!

The newest accessory in my handbag with be the Purse Hook! The Chinese principle of FENG SHUI says, "You should never put your purse on the floor because it is where there is the most negative energy. It shows a lack of respect for money and wealth." Purse hooks are a way to assist in securing and having a sanitary place for your purse, diaper bag, back pack, or shopping bag. Girlz, when you are out at a restaurant or bar you'll no longer have to hang your purse on the back of a chair, from your knee or put it on the floor!!

"The New Year" ahead of me...

So another year has past and as we say goodbye to 2008, Im looking forward to 2009 here's why:

~ I start my new position at work and start my Full-time hours on Monday (more moola)!

~ I plan on putting myself in check and change a few things in life. Eat better and have a work-out system that will last longer than 2 weeks! Im hoping to lose some of my Winter weight by early Spring. ~to be continued~

~ Gregory will be 16 years old on Jan 4th and he will also play on the Varsity Football team for MHS! (soooo excited about this)

~ Aaron and Amanda start making plans for their wedding and Aaron should graduate in June from the Culinary of Arts

~ Mark and I plan to take a well deserved vacation this Spring. We're planning a 2 day hiking trip with our friends Matt and Ruth

~ I just reconnected with a long time friend from my past. Stacey and I finally go together yesterday and we plan on making sure that we spend lots of time together playing catch-up. She is a new mommy of 11 month old Noah and im so excited to watch him grow. He's definetly a miracle baby!

~ Oh and last but NOT least, Im going to buy myself a new camera so be prepared for lots of pics to come!

Happy New Year everyone!