Friday, November 28, 2008

The First Signs of Christmas

Today is one of my favorite days of the year! It's the day I take out my most favorite holiday decor! This is NOT the day that you would have found me storming the doors of my mall at 5am. Today is however, a day I've been waiting for since early this Summer. This is the day that I watch my favorite Christmas movies while I put up my Christmas tree and decorate the house! Family Stone and Love Actually are on tap as well as my favorite Spumante Sparkling Wine! I cannot wait until my house is decorated in white twinkle lights, the look of Red and Green, & the smell of my favorite Christmas scented candles~

Oh how I love this day...

~Merry Christmas (yaaaaa! Ive been waiting ALL year to say this)

1 comment:

Jamers said...

So fun! And now it's time to put it all away. :o( I'm procrastinating because I <3 my decorations! My house feels so naked after Christmas gets put away.