Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Blast from the past!

I found this old cheerleading picture of my Freshman year at MHS. Yep, I was a "Pommerette" (dancer)! That's what we called us in the Olden Dayz. There were Cheerleaders and Pommerettes. Top left if you couldnt figure it out for yourself. Ahhh,, those were the days. Love the 80's! Look at those pom pons! They look like Brady Bunch pom pons.

~Gooooo Bears!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thank God it's Saturday!

TGIS!!!! {8 things tag}

A bloggy friend of mine, Lisa, had this posted on her blog today so I thought I'd copy her and share my 8 thingg tag...

8 things I'm looking forward to:
~A new Dental Assisting job interview today at 2pm (wish me luck)
~Like Lisa, Summertime and laying out by the pool
~Going to a small family gathering on Sunday
~Moving into my "own" little apartment and decorating it to "my" style
~Taking a photography class at Merced College
~Losing the 25lbs that I need to lose by the 4th of July
~Getting ready for MHS Varsity football season to start
~College football season to start! Gooooooo Bruins!

8 things I did yesterday:
~Grocery shopping
~Had drinks with my aunt at Applebees
~Drained and cleaned the swimming pool with Mark (looks soooo pretty and ready for swimmin)
~Went to have Sushi for dinner last night with Mark
~Pulled weeds in my flowerbeds
~Gave Abby a bath
~Washed my car

8 things I wish I could do:
~Have a Margarita!! ( I third that Lisa!!!)
~Get my laundry done!
~Go to the Gotte's Crawfish Boil! (next year for sure Lisa, eh?)
~Go to Capitola
~Have Sushi again for lunch
~Lose THAT weight for summertime
~Climb Half Dome with Mark
~Spend $200- on a new pair of shoes (oh how I want thee~)

8 shows I watch on t.v:
~Greys Anatomy
~Private Practice
~Keeping up with the Kardashians
~The Hills
~The City
~The Young and the Restless
~The Real Housewives of New York City(just luv Bethenny), Orange County, & Atlanta (NeNe is a crack-up)

Monday, April 20, 2009

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My Tweet Page

Something new for me to play with. Looks like fun and if anyone knows of any great ideas or comments about this site please share!