Monday, May 30, 2011

The Bachelorette

Super excited for a new season of The Bachelorette! After the first show, im still not sure who i like or who needs to go home. Stay tuned for updates and my critique

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Royal Wedding Dress

Although I loved loved loved Kate Middleton's Wedding Dress. What are your thoughts? A dress designed by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen and had a 9' train. Very simple yet elegant and a reminiscent of Grace Kelly.

She then changed into this gown for the reception. Another design by Sarah Burton. She has such great style and must admit a tiny tiny waist.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Week 2 - Weigh in

Week 2 - 165lbs!!!

Super excited to see my cardio gettin the best of my muffin top. 5lbs lost in 2 weeks isnt bad at all! Now for next week's plan...WEIGHTS!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

So I'm not going to do like The Biggest Loser and take a picture of me in a sports bra and spandex shorts but you can get an idea by my posted current weight. I joined Brenda Athletic Clubs on April 1st so I'm hoping that not only will I lose the weight but I will also tone nicely as well.

So here it goes...

(drum roll please)

Start 0 - 170

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Im going to be an Air Force Mom!!

So the journey begins...On Tuesday Gregory will be on his way to Fresno, Ca to take his ASVAB(Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test for the USAF. He will be enlisting as a Pararescue Apprentice (PJ) and I'm super excited for him and the career he has chosen.
I cant believe that my youngest child will not only be graduating from High School this year but will also be in the Armed Forces.
Hoping and praying that the Lord will take good care of him throughout this mission...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Hello Weights ~ Goodbye WEIGHT!!!

Well, its been a looooooong time since I've posted but I just had to start off by posting this! I'm starting my new Life Change and it starts with 2-5lb weights and a 10lb Medicine Ball
Like the title says...Hello Weights ~ Goodbye WEIGHT!!! That's what I'm shootin for. Muffin-top you will D I E!!!!
Stay tuned...